Stories From The Dungeon

An inspiring tirade about the lives of about 600 teenage girls and their almost clinically insane ideas.

Read if you missed the first post.

My story is simple; I go to an all girls high school known as "The Dungeon". It's The Dungeon because the windows don't open and we are all forced to work in uncomfortable conditions until we go insane. Yes, there's not a drop of testosterone in the whole student body. So as you can probably imagine, things get ... interesting. But, things aren't all laughs. The bond we share is closer than blood. We cry, we fight, and we conspire together.
Character Breakdown:
Friends: Everybody will have their own numbers/letters so to shorten it, I'll abbreviate. Like, I'll be C127974 and my best friend is CAH306. Oh, and of course I have a boyfriend who will simply be "That Boy."
Foes:The most common foes will be Sam and Candy. Sam is the master mind behind The Dungeon and Candy is our warden.So, now that you get the gist of it, the story begins ...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day Two

Today I'll talk about torture aka History day *thunder and lighting*. If you don't know what it is, go google National History Day. We'll for me it means that from September to March I have a huge project looming over my head. The whole ordeal makes every girl break out and stress to like the billionth power. Why do we have to do it? Because they hate us.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day One

Today, I will talk about school buses (yes the big yellow things). You know why? Because I spend 10 hours a week on a bus. The bus is a magical place. Two of my best friend take the bus and most of our inside jokes took place there. Butt prints (the mark you're butt makes on a bus seat when you sit there too long), backwards "N's", and waving at nothing are things only the bus girls understand. This is why buses are important. Freshman year we were forced to be friends. If you missed the bus, you needed someone to call to get the bus driver to come back for you. Also, there are boys on the bus. So thats a good way into Slacker High (the all boys school a 15 minute walk away from The Dungeon ). So buses = important.

hello world and good luck stalkers ...

Welcome to My World:
Well, hello. I never thought I would make a blog. I mean, it's like something only emo kids and wanna-be journalists do, but yet here I am, typing away. The reason I decided to blog is simple. I have something to say and a story to tell, but in order not to get abducted and raped, I'm going to write in a "based on a true story" fashion. Everything you will ever read here is 100% true (or 100% my opinion), but no body's name or the name of a place will ever be used. So take that creepy stalkers.

My story is simple; I go to an all girls high school known as "The Dungeon". It's The Dungeon because the windows don't open and we are all forced to work in uncomfortable conditions until we go insane. They try to convice us that they are a nice by putting a rainbow up in the cafeteria, but that just made us hate (I'm sorry ... "strongly dislike") them even more.

So, yep, not a drop of testosterone in the whole student body. So as you can probably imagine, things get ... interesting. We wear odd things (like our hair in poofs you could hide a smally furry animal in and nail polish that is as bright as chemical waste) and say odd things as well. This is where I will store these oddities for people to laugh at or just simply so I can remember them later.

But, things aren't all laughs. The bond we share is closer than blood. We cry, we fight, and we conspire together. So, some of that I will relate here too because my friends are the most important people to me (awww).

Now I figure I should give you a character breakdown:
They're all "captives" like me so they will be addressed as such. Everybody will have their own numbers/letters so to shorten it, I'll abbreviate. Like, I'll be C127974 and my best friend is CAH306. Oh, and of course I have a boyfriend who will simply be "That Boy."

Basically anyone I don't like. The most common foes will be Sam and Candy. Sam is the master mind behind The Dungeon and Candy is our warden.

So, that's a break down of this blog. And, now the story begins ...